Leadership Coaching vs. Mentoring

Angela Tallman, Leadership coaching, mentorship, coactive, leader training

Leadership coaching and mentoring are two related but distinct approaches to supporting the development of leaders. Both aim to help individuals grow as leaders, but they differ in several key ways.

Leadership Coaching:

  • Focus: Leadership coaching typically focuses on specific goals and challenges that the leader is facing and works with them to develop new skills and strategies to overcome those challenges.

  • Format: Coaching is usually conducted one-on-one, and the coach works with the leader to help them identify areas for growth and develop action plans to achieve their goals.

  • Timeframe: Coaching is often a short-term relationship, focused on specific goals and ending once those goals have been met.


  • Focus: Mentoring relationships typically focus on the long-term development of the leader, and may encompass a wide range of topics, including career development, personal growth, and leadership skills.

  • Format: Mentoring relationships can be one-on-one or involve a group of mentees, and the mentor may take a more passive role, offering advice and guidance as needed.

  • Timeframe: Mentoring relationships can last for an extended period of time, sometimes spanning several years.

Both leadership coaching and mentoring can be valuable for leaders at any stage of their development, and both can help individuals gain new insights and develop new skills. The best approach depends on the individual's needs and goals, as well as the resources available for support.


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