The Leadership Edge

From inspirational insights to empowering advice and tips, The Leadership Edge shares dynamic stories to help you unlock your leadership potential.

Angela Tallman Angela Tallman

The Top 10 Killers of Company Culture (and How to Avoid Them)

Company culture is the lifeblood of an organization. It's the invisible force that shapes employee morale, productivity, and ultimately, success. But just like a garden, a healthy culture needs constant care. Here's a look at the top 10 ways companies can unintentionally sabotage their own culture, along with tips to keep things thriving.

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Angela Tallman Angela Tallman

Cultivating Diversity for a Dynamic Leadership Team

By understanding and leveraging the benefits of diverse leadership, addressing challenges, and moving beyond mere representation to foster an inclusive culture, organizations can build dynamic teams that not only reflect the world's diversity but harness it for unparalleled excellence.

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Angela Tallman Angela Tallman

Unleashing the Potential of New and Emerging Leaders

Unleashing the potential of new and emerging leaders is not just a strategic move; it is a necessity for organizations aiming to thrive in the modern business landscape. By recognizing their unique contributions, understanding their characteristics, and effectively addressing the challenges associated with their development, organizations can cultivate a leadership culture that propels them into a successful and sustainable future. Embracing the talent and potential of these leaders is not just an investment in individuals; it is an investment in the growth and longevity of the entire organization.

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Angela Tallman Angela Tallman

Defusing the Culture Bombs

Defusing the Culture Bombs: Building a Workplace Where Everyone Thrives . Is your company culture a safe haven or a minefield? It all boils down to leadership, and the actions you take set the stage. Here is your guide to defusing the top 5 culture bombs and transforming your workplace into a thriving ecosystem.

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Angela Tallman Angela Tallman

Empowering Organizations

Coaching and intentional leadership development play crucial roles in an organizational development strategy by nurturing talent, improving leadership skills, and enhancing overall organizational effectiveness.

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Angela Tallman Angela Tallman

The Communication Process: Understanding the Elements of Impactful Communication

Armed with a comprehension of the communication process and an integration of these elements into your communicative style, you can amplify the resonance and efficacy of your messages. Whether navigating professional terrain or engaging in personal exchanges, honing your communication skills lays the foundation for forging robust connections and realizing your aspirations.

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Angela Tallman Angela Tallman

Is My Business Too Small to Benefit from or Engage a Coach?

The role of business coaches is indispensable, transcending the size of enterprises. Investing in a business coach is not merely an expense; it is an investment in long-term success, offering a competitive advantage in the intricate and ever-evolving business environment.

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Angela Tallman Angela Tallman

Using Line of Sight to Break Down Siloes

Creating Clear Connections: Line of Sight is a strategy used to help break down silos and improve collaboration and accountability across teams or departments. It involves creating a clear connection between an individual or team's work and the overall goals of the organization.

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