Leading a Successful Construction Team

A Guide to Work Principles, Time Management Strategies, and Success Skills

As a construction manager, one of your most important responsibilities is to lead your team to success. This means creating a positive and productive work environment, setting clear expectations, and providing the resources and support your team needs to succeed.

Here are the key work principles, time management strategies, and success skills that will help you lead your construction team to success.

Work Principles

The following are the key work principles that will help you lead your construction team to success:

  • Getting Results from Your Team: This is the most important work principle. It means setting clear expectations for your team and holding them accountable for their results.

  • Success of Your Team is Your Success: This means that you are responsible for the success of your team. You need to create a positive and supportive work environment where your team members feel valued and appreciated.

  • Drive Performance Aligned with Organizational Goals: This means that you need to ensure that your team's work is aligned with the overall goals of your organization.

  • Lead with Authenticity, Integrity, and Ethical Behavior: This means that you need to be a role model for your team. You need to be honest, fair, and ethical in your dealings with your team members.

  • Build Trust and Credibility: This means that you need to build trust and credibility with your team members. This can be done by being consistent, fair, and transparent in your communications.

Time Management Strategies

The following are the key time management strategies that will help you lead your construction team to success:

  • Annual Planning (Budgets, Projects, Resources): This means that you need to plan your team's work for the year. This includes setting budgets, allocating resources, and developing project plans.

  • Allocate Time for Direct Reports: This means that you need to schedule regular meetings with your direct reports to discuss their work and provide feedback.

  • Monitor and Document Performance: This means that you need to track your team's performance and document their achievements.

  • Develop Skillsets of Direct Reports: This means that you need to invest in the development of your team members by providing them with training and opportunities to learn new skills.

  • Recruiting for Future Vacancies: This means that you need to plan for future staffing needs and recruit qualified candidates to fill vacancies.

Success Skills

The following are the key success skills that will help you lead your construction team to success:

  • Job Design: This means that you need to design jobs that are challenging and rewarding for your team members.

  • Role Selection: This means that you need to select the right people for the right jobs.

  • Delegation and Follow-up: This means that you need to delegate tasks to your team members and follow up to ensure that they are completed on time and to your satisfaction.

  • Coaching and Developing Others: This means that you need to provide coaching and mentoring to your team members to help them develop their skills and reach their full potential.

  • Providing Consistent Feedback: This means that you need to provide regular feedback to your team members about their performance.

  • Performance Management: This means that you need to set performance goals for your team members and track their progress.

  • Engagement and Recognition: This means that you need to keep your team members engaged and motivated by recognizing their achievements.

  • Effective Communication and Climate Setting: This means that you need to create a positive and supportive work environment where your team members feel valued and appreciated.

By following the work principles, time management strategies, and success skills outlined in this blog post, you can lead your construction team to success. Remember, it is important to be a strong leader, set clear expectations, and provide your team with the resources and support they need to succeed.

If you are looking for help with your company culture, I would love to talk to you about how we can use the tools and techniques in my Leadership Development Toolbox. Please contact me for more information: https://www.coactivegroup.com/contact


Angela Tallman
Principal, Executive Coaching and Leader Development


Expanding on the Coactive Leadership Approach


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