Using Line of Sight to Break Down Siloes

Clear Connections, Angela Tallman, Coactive Group

Line of Sight is a strategy used to help break down silos and improve collaboration and accountability across teams or departments. It involves creating a clear connection between an individual or team's work and the overall goals of the organization. Here's how to use Line of Sight to break down silos:

  1. Define the Big Picture - Clearly define the overall goals of the organization and what success looks like. This will help to create a shared understanding of what everyone is working towards.

  2. Create Line of Sight - Connect each team or individual's work to the big picture. This can be done by mapping out the steps each team or individual takes to contribute to the overall goals and objectives of the organization.

  3. Communicate the Line of Sight - Communicate the Line of Sight to all employees, ensuring everyone understands how their work fits into the bigger picture.

  4. Provide Regular Updates - Provide regular updates on progress and the status of the overall goals. This can help to keep everyone engaged and focused on the big picture.

  5. Foster collaboration - Encourage collaboration and cross-functional working to help break down silos and improve accountability.

By using Line of Sight, organizations can create a shared understanding of the big picture and how everyone's work contributes to the overall goals. This can help to improve collaboration, drive results, and break down silos, fostering a culture of accountability and trust.


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